Types of child abuse

There are three types of child abuse:

* mental * sexual * physical

Types of child abuse: Explaining the differences between them.As you can see there are three types of abuse. Physical mental and sexual abuse. I am going to explain them to you and talk about myself so you know that you are not alone.Types of child abuse: Sexual abuse.Sexual abuse is where children has no power over their bodies. They trusted the adult and now that trust is broken.

1) The child's body is interfered with sexually.

2) The abuser will make the child play with him or her.

3) The child will learn about sex inapprotaely.

4) The child will feel sparate from their bodies.When the abuse happened to me I spaced out. Each night I wanted to wrap myself uptightly so no one would take the covers off me.

No child should ever have to go through this.

Types of child abuse: Mental abuse

1)You are controlled by that person.

2)You do not know where the boundaries are.

3)You have to be careful what you saying and you will have no idea if that offends the person. I had to be careful what I said to my dad, and I never knew what was going to make him fly off the handle.

My mother is the same becasue I had to be careful what I said. My mother is not aware of this. But since I am aware of this I tell her that she is about to have a mood change or snap at me. on it straight away when it happens.

Types of child abuse: Physcial Abuse.

Phsycial abuse can be shown on the child's body by bruises. Not liek when a child falls over but continuously being beaten up and having the marks all over the body that can not be explained. Children get them from bullies and from parents.

My brother was beaten up for no reason and thrown across the room. He had not done anything to deserve this kind of treatment. No children should ever be punished especailly when they have done nothing wrong.

A tap on the wrist is very different becasue this will horride bruise.

Mental abuse is treading a very careful line and someitmes you don't know where that line is. You do not know that you have done wrong. Sexual and physical abuse you can see but with mental abuse you can not see it and most people might not believe you. The only way they might believe you is to see it happen.

Types of child abuse: How To Heal.

My mother is not allowed to be left alone with the children and if she does something they don't like my children will tell me and I talk to my mother about the problem.

My mother knowns that she has to build trust with me and that is a normal way to heal.

Healing takes time and the trust with who ever hurt you or your child will take time. You have to be in control and take the healing at your own pace.

Ask God and Jesus to help you in your healing joureny. Make sure everyone knowns what the person has done. Talk about the abuse and do not live in silence.

You are not at fault and you must not feel ashamed it was not you fault.

Here is some more information on other forms of abuse. mental abuse..

Here is some information for you on abuse.emotional abuse.

Here is some information for you on abuse.Verbally Abusive.

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