Parents Blame Children: It Was Not your Fault.
You must never think that the abuse that happened to you was ever your fault. You were a child and children are supposed to trust adults.
It does not help when other people blame you. I was blamed for encouraging the abuse because as a small child I flirted but when you are small you have no idea what that is or that you are doing that. It should not make someone abuse you at all.
Parents Blame Children: Not Feeling Ashamed.
I would like to share this with all of you that when I was 18 years old I changed my name because I did not like myself or who I was at all.
I felt ashamed of myself and felt that it was my fault for a long time. If people blame you for the abuse then in the end you begin to belief was it my fault.
Parents Blame Children:My Mother Blamed ME.
My mother did blame me for splitting up the family because when she remarried she asked me if know she could have happiness? No parent should blame their child or children for the abuse that happened to them.Parents Blame Children: Relationships in Adult life.If you were a boy of girl who was abused the effects will be the same. You might have a problem with finding partners and having relationships with people.
I know that I find it hard making good friends who I can trust maybe you have the same problem.
You must ever think that the abuse that happened to you was ever your fault. You were a child and children are supposed to trust adults.
Parents Blame Children:Children are Innocent to Life.
It does not help when other people blame you. I was blamed for encouraging the abuse because a small child I flirted but when you are small you have no idea what that is or that you are doing that. It should not make someone abuse you at all.Parents Blame Children: Relationships in Adult life.If you were a boy of girl who was abused the effects will be the same.
You might have a problem with finding partners and having relationships with people. I know that I find it hard making good friends who I can trust maybe you have the same problem.
People can let you and me done but God and Jesus never let you and me done. My mother never ever took control of my family but when she was told to do so she listened.
Parents are adults and they should look after you properly. My mother still today lies to my extended family and acts in front of them and I am confronting her.
Parents Blame Children: God and Jesus are Always there For You.
People can let you and me done but God and Jesus never let you and me done. My mother never ever took control of my family but when she was told to do so she listened.
Parents are adults and they should look after you properly. My mother still today lies to my extended family and acts in front of them and I am confronting her.
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