Good Morning,
There is one thing I hate, and that is "I DO NOT LIKE BEING SUCK". If Ihave a splitter in myfinger it needs to be out. Yes it might be painful , but n order to ge better it needs to come out. If it stays in my finger I will get an infection and that is far worse than getting the splitter out. The pain afterwards will disappear. . It mighttake time, nut an infection might need antibiotics, and hat distroys the imune system.
Having been abused, is horrid, but why let that person win why let Chronic kidney stop you from heaing, changing your life, losing weight if need that is also painful,
I would prefer enjoy my life and succeeding, healing my back, against all odds.Yes i very painful, which at present I am going through but to be able to run again, walk again, play badminton yes I would prefer to be able to do all f that and join my son and swimming club. I am determined to recover from abuse, kidney disease an my back.. Sometimes I can no feel my legs, from the mess up at hospital 7 years ago .