Wheeverything someone in my family have died, I have tried to prepare for the time they might not be here. My uncle first had 2 cancers one the doctors thought that they had cleared by having an operation to get that cancer out.
Now they thought that he was in the clear oh,dear another cancer the throat the chances of survival very slim but there was a chancestors he would survive great so you have hope that he would be here, I did not prepare very much for him not being here .
I think that when shocks like this happening you really don't prepare for them not being around. My great uncle was dying of was not prepared for either cancer too, but I think that you are in denial of thi8s because you don't really want them to die but liv.
My grandma was always being mended by the hospitalso she kept on going until nearly 98 when she did not want to eat or drink any more. You tng thayry and prepare for them not being here but not really. You can see the pain there in so you ask God to ease there pain but you don't really want them to go to miss being able to chat argue oh that is being selfish of me.
You want them here but they are in too much pain and not function at all. That is not life or living,but selfish me doesn't really want them gone.
Grieving is very hard even though the pEpson that has gone, you hope gat you will see themore one day and not in pain either. I seem to be talking too fast and having panic attacts everywhere. You might be feeling that there is a hole in you heart that for me was the loss ofor my grandma .