On this page you can find information to help you decide about appointing a child abuse lawyers.
If you have been abused you will need to choose a Child Abuse Lawyer and it's important that you get a lawyer that is sensitive to your situation since the court process is distressing.
You will also have feelings of guilt about taking the abuser to court so its a difficult thing to do but when someone is accused of child abuse it is important that the person faces the authorities so that:
You know that what was done was wrong (confirmed by other people) - this will help you understand that it was not your fault.
It will help prevent abuse happening to other people- this is very important since you know that you don't want anyone else to suffer the same abuse that you did.
You may get some compensation since it is partly the fault of the state that the abuse was not noticed by health carers.
You must report the abuse to the authorities. You or your parents need to have a very good child abuse lawyer to make sure that the the abuser is punished and also so that you can claim any compensation that you are due.
Child Abuse Lawyers: What happened to me.
When I was 13 years I was taken with my mother to the police station to make a statement. In the end I took my Dad to court. My family did have a solicitor who represented my family in court.
In court I was lucky because my Dad did not want me to go into court but he did lie about why he was abusing me.
Dad went to prison for 6 months and I did get compensation for the abuse I suffered. My brother also had compensation for the abuse that he went through too.
Child Abuse Solicitor: This is very Positive.
When you have been abused and take the person who has abused you to court end you get money in the end for the damage that he or she has caused to you.
You also stop that person from abusing others if the abuser is re-abusing others. You or your family will feel better for stopping the abuser from hurting others and for putting the abuser away from the public.
Child Abuse Solicitor: Why Report the Abuse?
The reason why this is very important that you report the abuse is because if he or she is might be abusing someone else and you have to tell the police.
Child Abuse Solicitor: Healing.
God does not like seeing you or I hurt like this and the abuser is breaking one of the Ten Commandments.
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