They can start at any time in your life from a trauma like being abused as a child like you and me. You won't know what they are until a doctor or someone else tells you that you have had one.How you can Recognize an attack.
You will probably experience extreme fear and not feel able to move at all!
In fact there can be many symptoms:
... and these are just a few of the physical symptoms. There may be other mental effects such as irrational fear, feeling of doom.
I suffered some of these symptoms them at school and now as a grown up and I know that they run in my family.
My nurse told me that a panic attack can be transferred within families although I am not sure if it is genetic or learned behavior.
My daughter is very anxious when she goes to the toilet and I did wonder what is going on here.
How to Overcome Them.
When you are aware of having a panic attack that is the first step to getting better and learning to live with it .e.g.
Think VERY positively, count to 10 keep busy,laugh.
(Calms tablets are not for pregnant women. Rescue Remedy is for the whole family, but always check with your doctor first.)
Ask your doctor for advice out panic attacks because if you are not allowed herbal teas then you need to find an alternative.
I do all of the above because I suffer from panic attacks. I ask God and Jesus for help as well. I would like to be free from panic attacks and I know that they do disappear in time with God and Jesus's help.
Make Changes in Your life Style.You might need to make some changes in your life like to take away any stress that you find is too much. Remember anything is possible with God and Jesus.
Look after yourself because like I have said before you are worth it and you are very special.
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