The Healing process
About me and This is What I do.
I use this method all the time and I exercise which helps me to keep positive
My back is not going to get better, but I love helping people, like I am trying to help you.
Whatever you are troubled about, write it down and try and change if you can. And use this process each time.
There is a saying that I repeat alot which helps me with change and I hope it helps give you
the strength too
This saying gives me strengthe.
Always try and think positive and laugh, what good laughing films put a smile on and write down what your goals are. I know that this might not be easy, but you will feel better about all your goals, I do this too. I would like to have be a doctor, so helping you all is a way around this. Also I would love to science learning, so doing another web site on Astronomy and eletronics. and yes this is all scary but amazingly.
In my house I have a pad with all the things I would like to achieve and yes I do find it hard, but the chart really does help me. Yes I do get nervous and stuck at trying new things, but I found that staying stuck is boring and I love snooker and playing in front of others to me was very scary, but the feelings of happiness and fun and wow., so taking that risk was amazingly .
I think taking small steps and big steps if you can manage it is necessary. Staying around the same mountain and not making the changes you need, might make you a bitter person, and (like I know some one who is like that they are not very nice to be around.) You might end up not a very happy person.
I know that it is not easy, but if you remember being a kid having adventures are fun, and like going to the pub you have fun making changes are fun too
Recognizing that You maybe Depressed, and How To Heal from depression.
You need to get a Chart or a pad to write down things down, write down what is
bothering you.
Finding The Source of your depression is very important.
See if you can change the problem slowly
find a close friend to talk so maybe they can help you think more cleary.
Your Writing
You need a note for your writing and a Chart for all your achievements.
On one side of the paper put what you have achieved.
And on the other of the Chart put down how you feel . uneasy, easy wonderful
And if you need change anything that you are not happy with , put what else you what to achieve.
All your Goals How you Are Feeling Uneasy, Easy, Brilliant
All these aims and goals are about YOU
and taking small steps, will help build your confidence up
write a list of what you would like to achieve and aim for, the list below is about me and how I have tried to overcome obstical s .
1)Any Gsces, you would like to achieve
2)What job would you like to do
3) How do you like your hair
4) And anything else you would like to do to write it all down.
I have tried to give you some ideas, you need to find more goals that you can aim for. Take your time, be kind to yourself.
When You Make Changes you might feeling very frightened, but being stuck in a rut is far worse because you are not succeeding at your good aims. Watching television all day will not get you a job . Eating food to comfort your mood will not get you any where, apart from becoming very unhealthy, which wont help.
Getting out of your chair and looking at your aims and DOING them will get the changes you need for a smile. and out of the DEPRESSION. You might not notice slowly how you are feeling, but other people might notice the difference.
Change is very diffiuclt to do
On Another chart
Put down Depression on one side on the left side of your chart/paper and on the other side CHANGE
Why have I side that, because it is far easier to stay stuck than to make changes. But staying depressed on is safer and you are not getting any way.
Making changes even it they are scarier is better, because to get a degree or job or what you would like you wi feel an achievement,and doing what you want to.
If you need a teddy to hug then do so.
Try to change the way you think, by keeping very positive
Also You MIGHT get a feel of great joy AND HAPPINESS when you give your goals that you have made ago.
I did and do.
If you find that the changes are too stressful then STOP doing them.
I have panic attacks and I need to find the source of the panic and solve if possible and exercise by cycling outside for fresh air and swimming helps too. Be kind to yourself.
My Chart
What I need to CHANGE in my life UNEASY EASY FANTASIC
1) It is my birthday today, I need to do what I would like 1
2) I love playing snooker/pool 1
3) I love long hair 1
4) I love working
5) I need to learn to relax
6) I need to have fun 1 1
Change is very hard to do, but brilliant and scary.
Saying stuck is not good and VERY boring.and YOU will not succeed at YOUR dreams.
God has given us all a life to live in FULL and to ENJOY so make the most of it. Sitting around on your bottom watching Television and eating lots of food for womfort will not help iether. All it will do will change your mood and maybe you might get more depressed and you might see your weight increase and that is not good either.
So Go and make some good positive aims and what you are going to achieve for each day and feel good about it..
Have a great laugh 4 times a day and more
Grow your own veg and fruit and herbs
Knitting a jumper or what you like
go for walk if you can, or like me who can hardy walk, if you have a garden go into it and enjoy the bird, fresh air trees, that is what I do and I also knit out side.
I try and grow herbs.
reading a book also in the garden helps
read the newspaper
cooking cakes with help from my husband is also a way to relax.
I would love to create my own clothes,
look good in your clothes
look after your hair
drink tea, water
find a great job you like
follow your dreams
Past is easrier to stay stuck in Change is harder ut Brilliant
When you are trying to make changes, sometimes you might not see how better things are.
If you put another chart up , about all things that were wrong and see the difference that you have made.a. nd I am doing swimming to help and doing this training to help all of you, because I have used this method. A nd I know that it is not easy. My back hurt alot, to swim, but it help reduce my pain a bit and helps me with panic attack that I get.
I have a very bad back that is non curable, but there is a way manage it.
I find it hard writing because I am dsylexia and my spelling is terrible. I am stil determined though.