An eating disorder symptom is where you might find eating food to be a problem and usually it comes from being sexually abused when you were a child.
The abuse makes you not like the way you look even if there is nothing wrong with you at all. If you have not been abused when you were younger and you were bullied about you weight then you will be affected by that.
Media also puts a lot of pressure on how you and me are supposed to look never mind if it is healthy. The clothes in the stores are meant for very thin looking people but they do not always look how they are supposed to do on you.
There is nothing wrong with being healthy thin but starving yourself to make yourself look like someone else is not good because God and Jesus made you the way you are supposed to be.
Other Eating disorder symptoms.
1)You might not like the way you look because of the bulling that happened to you as a child.
2) When you become a teenager your body changes and because of the abuse you might have gone through you do not see your body the way other people do.
3) You might not like eating at regular meal times.
4) You like to diet by starving your body of what it really needs.
5) Your moods keep changing because you are not eating.
6) Food can control how you are feeling so you use food and a way of controlling how you are feeling.
Eating disorder symptom: My Story to You.
I was abused as a child and my mother used to make meals without taste and I felt that it was expected of me to over eat. When I was in my bedroom I used to look at myself and I did not like the way I looked so fat.
But none of my parents cared about my weight only my Doctor did when my Dad went away.. The doctor put me on a health diet but I felt that the weight did not come off fast enough for me. So I become a veggie then a vegan.
Why am I telling you this so you do not feel alone and isolated. God and Jesus like you and me the way He made us.
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