
I love or I over do things like eating the wrong food buying clothes what ever helps to cheer me up.  I love swimming and going to the gym but I used to go as if it was in my daily routine.  But I've had to change it to help earn money called cleaning.  

I also got additives to needing as a daily life requirement chocolate.  I was obsessed with the a daily requirement was and is planting gardening.  All of this things also help with healing from abuse grieving and clothes for me was that it showed me that I was too overweight and sometimes over coming hurdles that you have done before was not the right time.

 Done face in other ways like city and guilds nearly face type, but that there is hole in my life 

My overcoming.    I don't know about you but a huge hole empty nest from my childhood to catch up on lost leaning.  I don't want to be a person that has been abused,  because that was put on to me.  Not my chose,   and my childhood was also taken against my will.  So know I have to fill that space in and following my maths dream.  I am a survivor and im going to be free and succeed at my maths and astronomy dream plus but I must take one step a time.